Lugging a traditional vacuum around your home whenever its time to do cleaning can be a strong disincentive to put that cleaning off for another day, but with a built-in central vacuum system that chore can be turned into an incredibly minor inconvenience. A central vacuum system uses a powerful centralized unit to provide suction, and is entirely duct-based, meaning that you do not have to move a vacuum from room-to-room, but can instead access the system from any room in your home, providing instant access to a powerful cleaning tool.
If you're looking into getting a new vacuum, one of almost equivalent power could actually end up costing you more than a centralized unit! Instead, you should consider installing a built-in central vacuum system in your new or existing home. Our experienced contractors are wholly committed to providing you with an easy hassle-free installation experience, making the transition to a central vacuum system as smooth as possible. If you're ready to see the difference that a built-in central vacuum system can make for your home, call our contractors today for a free consultation.
West Perrine Built-In Vacuum System Benefits
The most obvious advantage of moving to a built-in system is that you no longer have to deal with the hassle of moving a vacuum around your home whenever you want to clean. However, built-in vacuum systems carry a number of other advantages with them as well!
One of these benefits is the additional power that a built-in central vacuum system can provide. Getting comparable power from a standard unit is cost-prohibitive, but a central vacuum system, due to the style of its design, can use a much more powerful motor that doesn't have to worry about portability. With this being the case it can draw on much larger debris and collect grime easier than any normal vacuum.
A built-in central vacuum system will also reduce the amount of allergens in your air. Normal vacuums have to recycle the air they've pulled from the room, stirring up dust and putting particulates in the air that can cause all kinds of problems for those with respiratory conditions. With a centralized unit, all of this air is recycled away from your rooms, meaning that you can vacuum without fear of exacerbating the respiratory conditions you or your family members might have.
West Perrine Central Vacuum Repairs
We extend the same kind of quality guaranteed in our installations to our built-in central vacuum repairs as well. Our experienced contractors can handle any central vacuum repair needs, and will do so promptly and efficiently, to have your built-in central vacuum system working at peak condition in no time at all. If you have recently experienced any problems with your central vacuum, do not hesitate to give us a call!